What To Pack In Your Travel Summer Health Kit

Summer travels can be an adventure and lots of fun, although getting more and more expensive, no thanks to rapidly changing economic realities.

Your destination or travel might be a Tour around Europe, a Caribbean tour, visiting Monaco, Hawaii, Santorini or maybe planning a short trip to the Arctics.  No matter where your chosen destination is, a few things are important to pack for that trip to keep it uneventful and exciting.

1. Antiemetics for those with motion sickness. A few tablets may help reduce that sickening, queasy feeling that ruins the journeying experience.

2. Antidiarrheal medications. You don’t want to ruin the adventure on that boat cruise you dreamed of all year because you ate the wrong meal. Some tablets might be helpful in making your intestines more “accepting”.

3. Antimalarial medicines. Imagine the malaria that hid in your liver decides to show up as symptomatic while you are taking a walk on the beach in Zanzibar? Vibe killer right?….

4. Immunization card. Some diseases are endemic in some regions and not in other regions. To protect against such diseases, vaccines should be gotten. Some popular ones include Yellow fever, Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccines.

5. Prescription medications. Your health does not need to suffer because of a fun trip. Ensure you have enough of your medications, which may be tablets, inhalers, patches or pens, to last you for the entire trip and 1 month extra incase of any unplanned extension.

6. Insect repellents. Do you love those open cabins near the beach? I’m sure you have dreamed of them. But no one ever talks about the mosquitoes or insects that reside there also. Hiking trips may also expose one to insect bites. An insect repellent ointment or spray can make these more tolerable.

7. Antihistamines. Adventures equal exposure to new things. You just might have some allergic reactions or hypersensitivity. Antihistamines are your go to. They come as oral preparations and topical agents.

8. Sunscreen. It’s summer time and the sun is definitely going to show off. Don’t get sun burned or unnecessarily exposed to direct UVB light without “sun blocking”. It would maintain your skin tone and prevent some skin cancers.

9. Mini First Aid kit. When hiking or just getting involved with fun activities, minor accidents may occur leading to bruising, cuts, sprains and the likes. Having your own personal mini kit can save the day.

10. Travel insurance. With all these earlier listed, having travel insurance is the best mode of being proactive about your health and not reactive. Ensure you get one and confirm what it covers too.

The health of a traveler is to be optimized to ensure maximum relaxation and fun. Travelers should see their travel medicine physicians or healthcare provider at least 6 weeks before travel and after returning for appropriate evaluation, immunization and “travel pack”.

Enjoy the rest of your summer holiday!

What To Pack In Your Travel Summer Health Kit

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